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Title Author Date
A standing invitation ChrisV.AHS@gmail.com Sep 14, 2008
I am the president of the Atheist-Humanist Society of Connecticut and Rhode Island. We are a small group and we are relatively new. We are based in Norwich, CT. (Norwich is about halfway between Yale and Harvard and is near the University of Connecticut, Trinity, Wesleyan, Connecticut College Brown, the University of Rhode Island and the Coast Guard Academy.
Please accept our standing invitation to meet with us and speak to us anytime you are in New England. We are a small group but we are close to a larger group in the Hartford area. (This is the group that set up an atheist display on the town of Vernon, CT, green last christmas.) I am pretty sure we could have a pretty interesting (and friendly) audience. And we will show you some New England hospitality.
Our web site is www.atheisthumanist.com.
We would be honored and thrilled to have you anytime you can make it.
Vic Marquis

Title Author Date
A standing invitation TalkReason , Sep 14, 2008
Dear Vic:

Many thanks for your kind invitation.
We extend our hand to you across the continent and wish you the utmost success.

Talk Reason administration