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Title Author Date
evolution vs. creationism Matthew Jul 09, 2008
I'm not sure if you knew this, but the main reason why it is argued that evolution disproves creationism is because there is no way you can make the two work together. Creation states that God created Adam and Eve from the dust on the ground, evolution states that it took millions of years for people to show up on earth. God did it in a very short period of time and evolution claims to have done it over millions of years. In no way can a person that believes in God justify believing in evolution because to do so would be to take God's chapters out of Genesis and put in Darwin's theory.

Title Author Date
evolution vs. creationism David Jul 11, 2008
Not quite. I'm not sure why you only address God in the context of the Bible. Many people reject the divinity of the Bible while still believing in God.