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Title Author Date
Time dilation Baty, Robert Jul 02, 2008
I have had an young-earth creation-science promoter lately continuously claim that Einstein's relativity and time dilation support a young-earth/universe. I'm not that into that aspect of the science and was wondering if you might, in layman's terms, give me some perspective on why time dilation does will not save young-earth creation-science.

Robert Baty

Title Author Date
Time dilation TalkReason , Jul 02, 2008
Dear Mr. Baty:

Since in your letter you have not shared with us the argument of the person you refer to, who, as you report, asserts that the "time dilation" or any other part of the special theory of relativity somehow "support" the young earth fallacy, we have no idea what that argument is and therefore can't discuss it. There is no
doubt, though, that the argument in question must be fallacious because no part of relativity theory provides any support to the young earth nonsense.

Talk Reason